Estimula el sistema inmune.
Su aporte de vitamina C fortalece el sistema inmunitario al impulsar la creación de nuevos glóbulos blancos; estas células son las encargadas de defender al cuerpo de los patógenos, las infecciones y los agentes extraños.
La vitamina C también actúa
como un antioxidante y previene el desarrollo de afecciones como la enfermedad
cardíaca y el cáncer.
Stimulates the immune system.
Its contribution of vitamin C strengthens the immune system by boosting the creation of new white blood cells; These cells are responsible for defending the body from pathogens, infections and foreign agents. Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant and prevents the development of conditions such as heart disease and cancer.
Stimulates the immune system.
Its contribution of vitamin C strengthens the immune system by boosting the creation of new white blood cells; These cells are responsible for defending the body from pathogens, infections and foreign agents. Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant and prevents the development of conditions such as heart disease and cancer.
Fuente: Organics Facts
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