Promueve la salud ocular.
El betacaroteno y la criptoxantina
presentes en el taro son antioxidantes que ayudan a mejorar la visión; ambos
evitan que los radicales libres dañen las células oculares y causen
degeneración macular o cataratas.
Promotes eye health.
The beta-carotene and cryptoxanthin present in taro are antioxidants that help improve vision; both prevent free radicals from damaging eye cells and causing macular degeneration or cataracts.
Promotes eye health.
The beta-carotene and cryptoxanthin present in taro are antioxidants that help improve vision; both prevent free radicals from damaging eye cells and causing macular degeneration or cataracts.
Fuente: Organics Facts
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