Ayuda a prevenir y controlar la diabetes.
La fibra dietética es
un nutriente esencial para contrarrestar la diabetes, ya que regula los picos
de glucosa y la liberación de insulina en el cuerpo.
Abundante en fibra, el
taro puede convertirse en un alimento estratégico para aquellos que necesiten
controlar o prevenir los picos de azúcar en sangre porque tienen pre-diabetes o
It helps prevent and control diabetes.
Dietary fiber is an essential nutrient to counteract diabetes, since it regulates glucose peaks and insulin release in the body.3 Abundant in fiber, taro can become a strategic food for those who need to control or prevent spikes of blood sugar because they have pre-diabetes or diabetes.
Fuente: Organics Facts https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/other/taro-root.html
It helps prevent and control diabetes.
Dietary fiber is an essential nutrient to counteract diabetes, since it regulates glucose peaks and insulin release in the body.3 Abundant in fiber, taro can become a strategic food for those who need to control or prevent spikes of blood sugar because they have pre-diabetes or diabetes.
Fuente: Organics Facts https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/other/taro-root.html
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